Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Seattle Area Convicted Embezzler Hired Back At Old Job

According to published reports, Kevin Dean, 49, who was convicted in 2006 of embezzling some $1.2 million from his employer, Frontier Ford, an auto dealership in Anacortes, Washington, was hired back to his own position. Frontier Ford owner Ron Rennebohm is quoted as saying that Dean was "good at his job" as general manager and it was "just a business decision" to hire him back. Dean, who has been out on bail pending appeal, was charged in 2002 along with the company controller Lisa Mullen, with stealing the money over a six year period. Mullen was also convicted in the case and sentenced. Rennenbohm claims that the company has made a number of changes in its business controls that would prevent such thefts in the future.

Read the story here and here.

Not a good idea, in my opinion. People rarely change their spots. This guy is not to be trusted in any way.


  1. I'm sure Ron hired him back out of guilt because Mr. Rennebohm concocted the whole scheme to hide his defrauding of the IRS.

  2. Anyone that was following the whole trial, their were a lot of unanswered questions and weird stuff going on in this company. Ron is one of them!!
    And to hire someone back that stole millions from you is a little suspicious!

  3. Lisa Mullen still works at a car dealership too. Not frontier ford though. Not a smart business move imo.
