Thursday, July 1, 2010

North Carolina Woman Charged In $600K Embezzlement Scheme

Janet Crutchfield Johnson, 58, of Wilmington, North Carolina, has been charged with embezzling nearly $600,000 from Tinney Painting Inc. where she had been employed as an office manager in charge of check writing and other bookkeeping duties. She is accused of writing checks to herself. The StarNews reports Wilmington Police detective Mike Overton, who is in charge of the investigation, as saying of embezzlement cases, “It’s always the office manager it seems. The owner of the business is tied up in running the business, and they trust their office managers to do the right thing.” Unfortunately, many don't.

Read the story here.


Update: It has been reported that Johnson's scheme spanned as much as six years, dating back to 2004 when she was originally hired.

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