Amanda Sturdivant, 42, and Jimmy Sturdivant, 47, both of Covington, Louisiana, have been chaged with embezzling some $169,000 from the Bon Temps Village homeowners association where Amanada had been employed as business manager. According to authorities, beginning in 2008 and continuing for more than 3 years, Amanda Sturdivant began misappropriating from the association by issuing herself an extra paychecks each month. She is also accused of writing at least 100 checks from association accounts to cash for her own and her husband's benefit. The misappropriated funds were reportedly used to pay for the couple's personal bills, including mortgage and credit cards and to pay for vehicles, travel and other personal luxuries. They have pleaded not guilty to the charges.
Read the story here.
Hat tip: FraudTalk reader Joe.
what a joke of a story. looks like a copy and pasted police report.