Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Massachusetts State Senator Arrested

Dianne Wilkerson, eight term Massachusetts state senator, was arrested today on charges of public corruption. She is accused of accepting cash in exchange for the introduction of legislation, or in legal parlance, "attempted extortion under color of official right and theft of honest services." If convicted, Wilkerson faces up to 20 years in prison plus a $250,000 fine for each of the charges.
Read the US Attorney's press release here.

See the criminal complaint here.

The Boston Globe has posted a story that provides a lot of details.

Update (10/30/08):
The Massachusetts State Senate passed today a resolution urging Wilkerson, facing federal bribery charges, to step down. Undercover photos were released showing her stuffing cash under her swater and down her bra. Wilkerson remains defiant and plans on continuing her re-election campaign.
Wilkerson should resign and face the music.
Update (10/31/08):
Wilkerson announced today that she would end her campaign for re-election. A growing chorus has called for her to resign outright. She said she would make a decision on November 5th about her future as a state senator.

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