Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ohio Woman Charged With Grand Theft

Kathleen A. Lee, 60, of Heath, Ohio, was accused on state charges of "grand theft" in the embezzlement of some $330,000 from the Hospice of Central Ohio where she had been employed since 1995. Lee confessed that she printed "numerous" checks to herself over the past several years. The investigation is continuing, but since 2005, investigators believe she stole at least $330,000. Licking County prosecutors are also considering adding charges of forgery and "corrupt activity."

Is it my imagination or are there a lot of women frausters today?

This looks like another classic case of lack of controls in the organization. Like non-profits, small businesses are prone to this kind of embezzlement from a determined employee. Once ensconsed in a position of relative authority - in this case check writing ability - there is little stopping someone from engaging in this kind of fraud.

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