Thursday, October 30, 2008

Orange County Sheriff's Office Corruption Case Begins

The trial of Michael S. Carona, former Orange County Sheriff, began yesterday in federal court in the Southern District of California. Carona, once dubbed "America's Sheriff" by CNN's Larry King, is charged with misusing his office and accepting illicit cash payments and gifts. However, the defense contends that Carona is the "victim of vengeful former associates" and the testimony of convicted felons and perjurers. Carona, who vehemently denies any guilt, faces felony charges of conspiracy, mail fraud and witness tampering.

The case centers on Carona's relationship with benefactor and campaign contributor, Donald Haidl, a multimillioinaire businessman who bankrolled Carona's 1998 campaign for Sheriff. According to prosecutors, Haidl reimbursed donors allowing them to get around campaign finance limits. He also paid for a vaction for Carona to Lake Tahoe including thousands of dollars in casino chips. Haidl allegedly gave Carona use of his private jet and yacht and $1,000 a month in cash - allegedly to entertain a mistress. There are also allegations of other cash payments and gifts. The prosecution disclosed that it has tapes of Haidl and Carona discussing "untraceable" cash bribes and payments. All told, as much as $700,000 in cash and gifts were received by Carona, according to the prosecution.

Read the complete story in the LA Times here.


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