Tuesday, November 18, 2008

California Law Firm Administrator Accused Of $1 Million Theft

Regina M. Schenck, 45, of Herald, California, was fired last Friday and accused of embezzling more than $1 million from the law firm she worked for in Sacramento. Schenck had been an administrator with Diepenbrock Harrison since 1994 and most recently held the position of "office administrator" since 2000. Court filings allege that Schenck's embezzlement went as far back as 1999 and she used the funds to pay her personal credit card bills and other personal items, including a prize winning horse. While no one has yet been charged criminally, there is an active federal investigation ongoing and certain records have been seized at her home. Schenck and her husband, Emerson Schenck, 47, are the owners of Diamond K Enterprises, for which certain records were also seized by federal authorities.

Read the story here and here.

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