Saturday, November 8, 2008

New Jersey College Official Pleads Guilty To Embezzlement

Trevor G. Williams, 55 and the former associate vice president of student development of Hoboken, New Jersey-based Stevens Institute of Technology, pleaded guilty yesterday to charges of embezzlement from the college. Williams admitted to stealing $264,000 between May 2000 and January 2002 and plead guilty to one federal count of conspiracy. He faces 24 to 30 months in prison. Williams, who oversaw a program for low-income students, conspired with Kimberly L. Harrison, a friend who was contracted to create a student database for the program, according to reports. Harrison never produced the database, but Williams nonetheless issued a series of checks to her totalling $264,000 which she cashed at a local bank. Harrison who was indicted together with Williams, is still a fugitive at large.

Read the story here and here.

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