Saturday, November 15, 2008

Non-profit Exec Charged In $500K Fraud Case

Andy A. Lewis, the former Executive Director of the Better Brooklyn Community Center, was arrested Thursday on charges that he defrauded the US Department of Agriculture’s National Child Food Program of more than $500,000. According to the complaint, Lewis ran the Better Brooklyn Community Center from 2002 until it was shut down earlier this year. During this time the agency received some $520,000 in reimbursed funds for meals allegedly served under the federal food program. Lewis had falsified records indicating that his non-profit served between 355 and 385 meals per day when in fact, it had served none. The complaint stated that Lewis had misappropriated these funds. He faces 20 years in prison.

See the FBI announcement here.

All I have to say is, what a dirt bag to steal money intended to feed poor children.

1 comment:

  1. I used to work for Mr. Lewis at BBCC on 900 Fulton Street and the company still owes me money. Our check was always bouncing and i had to buy games for my group during summer day camp 2005-2006.
