Monday, December 22, 2008

Industry Study Says Bribery Is Top Corporate Compliance Concern

Integrity Interactive Corporation, a compliance consulting and training firm based in Waltham, Massachusetts, released a study today that says bribery is the top corporate compliance concern for major companies today. David Curran, Integrity Interactive CEO, attributes this shift to the recent spate of high profile bribery and corruption cases. The study lists the top dozen issues as follows:

1. Anti-bribery requirements
2. Conflicts of interest & gifts
3. Antitrust contact with competitors
4. Mutual respect
5. Records management
6. Product safety & liability
7. Privacy
8. Proper use of computers
9. Export controls
10. Careful communication
11. Information security
12. Financial integrity

A copy of the full report may be requested from Mike Wallwork at Integrity Interactive at

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