Thursday, December 18, 2008

Miami Physician's Assistant Sentenced To 14 Years For $119 Million Healthcare Fraud

Thomas McKenzie, 53, of Miami, Florida, a physicians assistant, was sentenced today to 14 years in prison for his role in an HIV infusion fraud. McKenzie, a Nicaraguan native, was working in cahoots with the three masterminds, Carlos, Luis and Jose Benitez, along with a number of other conspirators, in orchestrating the fraudulent reimbursement for HIV infusions and other procedures not conducted or needed. McKenzie taught the others how to prescribe ''medically unnecessary'' HIV infusion treatments. In September, McKenzie pleaded guilty to one count of healthcare fraud conspiracy and one count of submitting false Medicare claims. He also became an informant for the authorities and a witness for the prosecution against the other co-defendants. The Benitez brothers owned a number of front HIV infusion clinics, including: AH Medical Office; Advanced Medical Rehabilitation Center; Best Medi Corp.; Physician's Health Med-Care; Physician's Med-Care; Saint Jude Rehab Center; Global Med-Care Corp.; CNC Medical Corp.; G&S Medical Centers; Karla Medical Services; and Best Medicare.

FraudTalk has covered this case before here, here and here.

Read the story here, here and here.

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