Sunday, December 14, 2008

Update On Colorado School District Embezzlement Case

Deanna L. Moore, 60, of Woodland Park, Colorado, turned herself in on Friday to authorities after an arrest warrant was issued in connection with her alleged embezzlement of nearly $600,000 from the Woodland Park School District Re-2. Moore had served as the school district's bookkeeper. Read FraudTalk's original post on this story here. Moore allegedly wrote checks to herself or to a business entity owned by she and her husband, RDM Solutions, totalling $582,922.88. According to the police, School district financial records had been taken in an apparent attempt to cover up the fraud. Moore was found by her son unconscious in her running car that was parked in the garage, along with a suicide note and the District's financial records. The fraud, which occurred starting in February 2005, was apparently done to cover Moore's gambling addiction.

Read the story here and here.

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