Friday, January 23, 2009

Former New York State Senate Leader, Joseph Bruno, Indicted For Fraud

Joseph L. Bruno, 79, of Brunswick, New York and the former Republican New York State Senate leader, was indicted today on fraud charges that he failed to disclose several million dollars in income from lobbyists while in office. The eight-count indictment accuses Bruno of violating his fiduciary duty to provide the state and citizens with “honest services." He has pleaded not guilty. According to the indictment, Bruno created two business entities, Capital Business Consultants LLC and at CMA Consulting Services, which collected some $3.2 million between 1993 and 2006 from five groups, including labor unions. The largest contributor was Wright Investors Service of Milford, Connecticut, which paid him nearly $1.4 million over a 12 year period. He faces up to 20 years in prison plus a fine of $250,000 for each count if convicted.

Read the story here, here and here.

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