Sunday, January 18, 2009

Update On Ohio Hospice Embezzlment Case: Former Employee Sentenced To 7 Years

Kathleen A. Lee, 60, of Heath, Ohio, who was found guilty of embezzling a now upwardly revised amount of $454,000 from the Hospice of Central Ohio for whom she was employed for 13 years as its sole bookkeeper, was sentenced earlier this week to 7 years in prison yesterday. The sentence was imposed on one count each of aggravated theft, forgery, and engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity. Over a 5 year period, commencing in 2003, Lee essentially forged or altered 156 Hospice checks to make them payable to herself and cashed them or otherwise used them for her own benefit. According to prosecutors, Lee used the money to pay credit card bills and support various members of her family.

Read FraudTalk's original posts on this story here and here.
Read the story here and here.

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