Friday, February 27, 2009

Gambling Addiction Leads To Financial Crimes, Florida Study Shows

Next week has been proclaimed "Problem Gambling Awareness Week" in the State of Florida by Governor Charlie Crist. The Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling has joined with the governor and other officials across the state to bring awareness to the problems caused by compulsive gambling. The FCCG maintains a hotline for compulsive gamblers and compiled a study based on caller interviews. The study revealed the following:
• Almost one in every three callers (30%) admit to committing illegal acts to finance their gambling, committing crimes that are linked to money.
• Almost two out of three callers (62%) reported committing fraud, writing bad checks or forgery
• One out of five callers (21%) stated they had embezzled money for employers
• One out of five callers (21%)claimed to have committed larceny or theft against friends, family members or strangers
• One out of 14 callers (7%) stated they had been involved with other illegal activities such as selling drugs, prostitution, illegal gambling (booking) and others

Read the story here.

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