Monday, March 23, 2009

Former Finance Director Of DC Non-Profit Sentenced For $400K Embezzlement

Earl Staubs, 63, of Arlington, Virginia, was sentenced Friday to 2 1/2 years in prison for embezzling some $438,000 from the Center for Applied Linguistics, a DC-based non-profit organization. According to prosecutors, Staubs set up a bank account in the non-profit's name in 2005, with his home address, deposited checks into that account, and then used the funds for his own benefit. He plead guilty to wire fraud charges in September. Staubs, who is currently serving a 7 year state prison sentence for another embezzlement, faces up to 37 months in prison for the Applied Linguistics case.

Read the story here and here.

Read the DOJ's announcement of Staubs' guilty plea here.

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