Monday, March 16, 2009

Ann Arbor, Michigan: Center Embezzlement Cases

The Ann Arbor News details several significant embezzlement cases from recent years in an article published yesterday (complete with mug shots). They include the cases of Christopher Steeb (pictured here), a local fireman accused of stealing as much as $200,000 from Ann Arbor Moose Lodge 1253 where he served as an administrator; Kimberley Knight, accused of stealing $934,000 from the Arbor Amateur Hockey Association where she served as treasurer (see FraudTalk article here); Donald G. Dely, convicted of stealing more than $100,000 from the Ann Arbor District Library where he served as finance director; Robin Scully, convicted of stealing $300,000 from the Oak Grove Cemetery Association where she served as treasurer; and Ann Hampton Hawkins, who was convicted of stealing nearly $100,000 from the Ann Arbor Community Center where she served as a bookkeeper.

Read the whole story here.

Update (3/30/10): Christopher Steeb, 34, of Dexter, Michigan, pleaded no contest to embezzlement of more than $50,000, but less than $100,000 from the Ann Arbor Moose Lodge. He is alleged to have embezzled as much as $200,000.

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