Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Oklahoma Energy Company Embroiled In Separate Embezzlement & Kickback Scandals

Quest Resources Corporation, an energy supply company based in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, is facing separate major fraud scandals involving its most senior former officers. Jerry Cash, (pictured here) the former CEO of Quest, resigned from the company last August after an investigation revealed that $10 million in company funds had been transferred into accounts he controlled, according to reports. Since that time, David Grose, the former CFO and Brent Mueller, former purchasing manager of Quest, respectively, have both been forced out of the company amid charges they took some $850,000 each in kickbacks from suppliers over a two year period. Grose is also charged with covering up Cash's misappropriations. Grose and Mueller face charges from both the SEC and the Oklahoma Securities Department as well as civil claims from Quest itself.

Read the story here, here and here.

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