Monday, April 20, 2009

Missouri Couple Sentenced For Embezzling From Utility

Stephen C. Collier, 63, and Sharron K. Collier, 62, both of Rich Hill, Missouri, and who both pleaded guilty last October to embezzling $390,367 from the Missouri Water District No. 4, where they had been employed, were each sentenced today to 30 months in prison followed by 3 years of supervised release. The Collier's scheme lasted for about 8 years, from 1999 to July 2007. The Colliers were also ordered to pay restitution of 375,243.88 in cash and sell or forfeit their 120-acre farm property to help satisfy that restitution. According to prosecutors, the Colliers created a fictitious company called American Expressways, a fraudulent consulting vendor to the utility and made personal charges on their American Express cards, that were then paid for with checks they caused to be issued by the utility with fake invoices from American Expressways. Stephen Collier was on the board of the utility and Sharron Collier served as a clerk.

Read the story here, here and here.

Read the DOJ announcements here .

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