Monday, April 6, 2009

Update On Case Of Missouri Municipal Treasurer Accused In $325K Embezzlement Case: Suspect Is Ordered To Stand Trial

Gene Paul Boyd, 62, of Leawood Village, Missouri, was ordered to stand trial today on charges he embezzled at least $325,000 and perhaps as much as $1 million from the Leawood Village coffers, where he had served as treasurer for many years. Boyd was arrested and charged this past February and had reportedly confessed to his former employer that he had been embezzling money from the village for as long as 21 years. According to investigators, Boyd deposited checks from the Leawood Village's account with Community Bank & Trust into an account controlled by Boyd at the U.S. Bank. Boyd also allegedly wrote checks from the Community Bank & Trust account to himself and cashed them.

Read FraudTalk's original post on this story here.

Read the story here.

Update (6/30/11): Boyd, who pleaded guilty just prior to trial this past April to embezzling funds beginning in 1992, from Leawood Village, has turned himself in to face jail time since he has not made adequate restitution.  The losses are now believed to be $376,000, plus another $673,000 which is unaccounted for due to lack of records. 

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