Monday, August 24, 2009

Oklahoma Couple Indicted For Misappropriating $461K From Association

Anna Marie Naukam, 51, of Edmond, Oklahoma, and her husband, Eugene M. Naukam III, 64, have been indicted for misappropriating $461,586 in funds from the Oklahoma CASA Association for which Anna Marie had served as Executive Director. She has been charged with one count of conspiracy and 148 counts of embezzlement. Eugene faces one count of conspiracy and 41 counts of embezzlement. The association receives taxpayer funds as well as public donations to help abused and neglected children. Nevertheless, a state audit found that the Naukams misspent more than $650,000 in association funds. Anna Marie had been employed for more than 10 years while her husband had served as a volunteer with the association. The Naukams are reported to have had financial difficulties, including a personal bankruptcy. Prosecutors allege the couple used the money to fund a lavish lifestyle, including expensive vacations, cosmetic surgery, football tickets and other personal expenses.

Read the story here and here.

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