Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Former Florida Municipal Administrator Reaches Plea Agreement Short Circuiting $500K Embezzlement Trial

Christopher J. Kovanes, 38, of Plantation, Florida, has reached a plea agreement prior to his trial for embezzling nearly $500,000 from Davie City, where he had served as Town Administrator. Kovanes pleaded guilty to felonly charges of fraud and money laundering and will serve 12 years in prison plus repay the $486,000 he misappropriated. Prosecutors had alleged that Kovanes fraudulently set up phony companies that would purportedly do mapping projects for the town, but which were billed for and never done. He was originally arrested in November 2005 and could have faced up to 180 years in prison if convicted on all counts. He was appointed to the post in April 2005.

Read the story here.

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