Thursday, October 8, 2009

Michigan Man Appointed To Rescue Town's Finances Faces Embezzlement Charges

Arthur "Art" Blackwell, 56, of Highland Park, Michigan, has been charged with embezzling $264,000 from the municipality for which he had been appointed by Gov. Jennifer Granholm to rescue it from insolvency. Blackwell is accused of embezzlement of $100,000 or more, embezzlement by a public official and misconduct in office, among other charges. Prosecutors allege that Blackwell misused his position to misappropriate funds to which he was not entitled and refused to repay them. Blackwell was fired last April when the improprieties were revealed.

Read the story here, here and here.
Update (1/27/11): A judge dismissed all embezzlement charges against Blackwell today,  indicating he had the right to write checks to himself. 

Update (7/3/12): An Appeals Court judge has re-instated felony embezzlement charges against Blackwell, siding with prosecutors. 

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