Monday, November 23, 2009

Connecticut Woman Charged With Embezzling $226K Had Gambling Problem

Cynthia S. Eddy, 52, of Preston, Connecticut, has been charged with embezzling some $226,000 from the Lakeside Condominium Association where she had been employed as business manager. Eddy reportedly told police investigators that she stole the money in order to feed her gambling habit at local casinos. She had amassed nearly $300,000 in gambling debts, according to reports. Eddy allegedly forged signatures of Association officers on checks which she deposited into her own accounts. She faces charges of first-degree larceny and third-degree forgery. The thefts apparently occurred over a four year period between 2005 and 2009. Eddy is currently seeking treatment for her gambling addiction at Better Choice in Norwich, Connecticut.

Read the story here, here and here.

Update (9/24/10): Eddy was sentenced to six months in prison for embezzling nearly $300,000 from the Lakeside Condo Association where she had been employed for more than 20 years. She was also ordered to pay $298,927 in restitution, was banned from casinos and will also spend five years on probation after her prison term.

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