Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Virginia Woman Charged With Embezzling $100+K From Attorney's Office

Cassandra Lynn Petrice, aka Sandy or Sandra Petrice, 45, of Virginia Beach, Virginia has been charged with embezzling more than $100,000 from a local attorney's office where she had been employed. According to sources close to the matter, Petrice forged checks written on one of the attorney's client accounts and deposited them into her own bank account. According to court documents, the thefts started in February 2006. Petrice was originally arrested on July 20, 2009, but is believed to have recently pleaded guilty in the case. Petrice is awaiting sentencing which is scheduled for January 6, 2010.

Read the docket sheet here.
Update (5/25/10): Petrice was sentenced today to 15 years with 14 1/2 suspended, leaving her six months to serve.

1 comment:

  1. I knew she was bad! and now the world will know Grow up be an adult
