Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Former Michigan School Secretary To Be Tried For $110+K Embezzlement

Patricia Susan Lowry, 51, of Center Line, Michigan, is scheduled to go on trial for allegedly misappropriating more than $110,000 from the Van Dyke Public Schools where she had been employed as a secretary for some 18 years. The over a nearly six year period between August 2003 and April 2009. According to investigators, Lowry embezzled between $110,000 and $115,000, an amount she disputes, over a period of nearly six years, between August 2003 and April 2009. No plea bargain was reached and the trial is scheduled for January 26 in Macomb County Circuit Court. Lowry allegedly caused checks to be directed from school district programs into bank accounts of the Van Dyke Association of Educational Office Personnel to which she had access. She also is charged with misappropriating the union's funds directly. Lowry reportedly claimed that she took the money after her husband lost his job and that she needed the money to pay for household expenses and rent owed by her children.

Read the story here and here.

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