Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Update: Michigan Couple Ordered To Pay Treble Damages In $700K Embezzlement Case

Adam John Korejsza, 45, and his wife, Lisa Ann Rock-Korejsza, both of Detroit, Michigan, were ordered to pay $2.1 million, representing treble damages in a civil judgement for misappropriating $700,000 from the city of Rouge River, Michigan, with whom Korejsza had a contract to manage the city's prescription drug program. Korejsza also faces multiple criminal charges in the same case. Korejsza, who is the owner of owner of Manhattan Group Services, LLC, allegedly misappropriated more than $50,000 per month between January 2007 and September 2008 from insurance monies intended to pay for prescription drug coverage for city workers. He was arrested last November. Korejsza reportedly has prior felony convictions in 2006 for embezzlement and failure to pay child support. His next court appearance in the criminal case is scheduled for February 25th. Lisa Rock-Korejsza has a prior criminal history for passing bad checks in Florida.

Read FraudTalk's original post on this story here.

Read the story here.

Read the Michigan order suspending their license here.

Update (9/28/10): Adam John Korejsza pleaded guilty today to one count of racketeering, seven counts of embezzlement, and two counts of tax evasion in state court. Under the plea agreement, he will serve a total of 60 months in jail.

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