Monday, February 8, 2010

Former Idaho DMV Worker Sentenced For Embezzling More Than $400K

Catherine R. Benoit, 58, of Caldwell, Idaho, was sentenced to 3 to 17 years in prison for embezzling more than $400,000 from the Canyon County Division of Motor Vehicles where she had been employed as a supervisor. Last October, Benoit pleaded guilty to two counts of grand theft for stealing $403,000 from the agency over a period of about 9 years, between 2001 and 2009. According to prosecutors, Beniot's scheme involved recording that DMV customers lost their vehicle license stickers in the mail and had not paid for their registrations, pocketing the money. Benoit, who had been employed by the agency for some 28 years, was originally charged in April 2009 after she and another supervisor, Shawna Maggard, allegedly confessed to the thefts.

Read the story here, here and here.

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