Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Former Pennsylvania Bank Teller Sentenced For Embezzling $286K

Tonya Marie Lord, 39, of Hamburg, Pennsylvania, was sentenced yesterday to 27 months in prison for embezzling $286,000 from a local branch of Wachovia Bank where she had been employed as a teller. According to prosecutors, Lord used her position to steal cash from bank ATMs over a six year period on more than 100 occasions. Lord was originally indicted on the charge of embezzlement of funds by a bank employee last September and plead guilty to it on November 19th. According to prosecutors, Lord spent the stolen money on drugs, automobiles, motorcycles and other luxury items to substantially increase her standard of living. Lord must also pay full restitution and spend five years of supervised release after her prison sentence, during which time she is prohibited from employment that would allow her access to money via a computer.

Read the story here and here.

Read the DOJ announcement here.

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