Friday, July 16, 2010

California Woman Charged With Embezzling $100+K

Evette Christine Weiler, 31, of Fremont, California was charged with embezzling at least $100,000 from the Roger Reynolds Nursery in Menlo Park where she had been employed as an office manager and bookkeeper. A company audit last January apparently revealed "dozens of checks" written out to Weiler herself. Weiler is the owner of "When Every Penny Counts" bookkeeping service based in Fremont. She was reportedly hired in October 2008 as bookkeeper at the nursery.

Read the story here and here.

Read the Menlo Park Police Department announcement here.

Update (12/1/10): Weiler pleaded no contest to the charges alleging she embezzled about $140,000 from the Roger Reynolds Nursery.

Update (5/24/11): Weiler, now 32, has been sentenced to 1 year in prison. She has also been ordered to pay $139,929 in restitution.

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