Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tennessee Woman Charged With Embezzling $1.9 Million From Parking Concern

Mary Harris, 51, of Pleasant View, Tennessee, has been charged with embezzling more than $1.9 million from Central Parking Corp., where she had been employed as a treasury analyst. According to authorities, Harris misappropriated the funds over at least a 5 year period, from August 2004 through August 2009. Specifically, she has been charged with four counts of wire fraud, and prosecutors accuse her of using the company's automated clearing house system used to process financial transactions, to transfer funds into her own accounts. Harris then attempted to conceal the thefts by creating fraudulent accounting entries into the company books, supported by bogus e-mails.

Read the story here, here and here.

Update (7/19/11): Harris pleaded guilty todaty to wire fraud in connection with her alleged embezzlement of more than $1.9 million from Central Parking Corp.  She is scheduled to be sentenced October 24, 2011.

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