Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pennsylvania Woman Sentenced For Embezzling $195K From Legal Services Agency

Cheri A. Logue, 42, of Claysville, Pennsylvania, was sentenced to 22 months in prison for embezzling some $195,000 from the Southwestern Pennsylvania Legal Services Corporation where she had served as legal aid. According to authorities, Logue misappropriated the funds from the non-profit agency that provides legal services to low-income people, over a period of at least 7 years, from 2001 until June 2008. According to prosecutors, she misappropriated the funds by writing at least 86 checks to herself or for her own benefit, made at least 56 unauthorized cash withdrawals using an agency ATM card, made at least 25 unauthorized electronic transfers to herself or to pay for personal expenses and made more than 300 unauthorized and improper charges to an agency credit card for her own benefit. Many of Logue's ATM withdrawals were made at or near local gambling concerns, suggesting she may have a gambling problem. Logue and her family have already reportedly made full restitution to the agency. Logue, who was fired in June 2008 after suspicions were raised about missing funds, pleaded guilty to the charge of theft from a program receiving federal funds on April 27, 2010.

Read the story here and here.

Read the DOJ announcement here.

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