Friday, April 8, 2011

Maryland Woman Indicted For Allegedly Embezzling $275K

Sandra Iris Klaus, 46, of Hampstead, Maryland, has been indicted on charges she embezzled more than $275,000 from an unnamed roofing and sheet metal company based in Westminster, Maryland where she had been employed as an administrative assistant and bookkeeper. Specifically, Klaus was indicted on 12 counts of mail fraud for orchestrated a scheme that spanned more than four years, from January 2007 until March 23, 2011, whereby she caused company funds to pay for her personal credit cards in fraudulent EFTs, issued payroll checks to bogus employees which she deposited into her own accounts and and endorsed receivable checks payable to the company to herself. The indictment also seeks forfeiture of a total of $275,456.43. Research suggests that the victim company is Tri-County Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc.

Read the story here.

Read the DOJ announcement here.

Update (2/10/12): Klaus pleaded guilty to mail fraud, aggravated identity theft, and filing a false tax return in connection with a scheme to embezzle what is now believed to be $313,000 from her employer, believed to be Tri-County Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc. 

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