Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Washington State Woman Charged With Embezzling Nearly $400K

Angela Jones Ver Hoeven, 46, of Tulalip, Washington, has been charged with embezzling some $396,000 from the Tulalip Tribe's Liquor Store and Smoke Shop where she had been employed as a clerk/cashier. According to authorities, Jones Ver Hoeven routinely would steal cash from sales on muliple cartons of cigarettes purchased, ringing up fewer than sold and pocketing as much as $800 a day. The scheme spanned a reported 2 1/2 year period from January 2008 through August of 2010. She is reported to have lost a significant amount of money while gambling at the Tulalip tribe's Quil Ceda Creek Casino.

Read the story here, here and here.

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