Monday, August 29, 2011

Massachusetts Woman Charged With Embezzling More Than $175K From Bank

Kathleen Didonato, aka Kathleen O'Connell, 49, of Foxboro, Massachusetts, has been charged with embezzling more than $175,000 from the North Easton Savings Bank where she had been employed as an assistant bank manager.  According to authorities, Didonato's scheme began in October 2010 and continued through January 2011 wherein she withdrew funds in the form of cash or bank checks from customer accounts without authorization for her own benefit.  She has been charged with three felony counts including one each of Theft by Bank Officer or Employee, Bank Fraud, and Aggravated Identity Theft.

Read the story here and here.

Hat tip: Reader Joe.


  1. Does she serve any time?

  2. Grandparents have rights..the grandparents need to go to court for visatation rights. This boy will be tormented when he goes back to HS.

  3. I can't believe someone took down our comments.

    I guess the truth hurts.

    All done with this site.

  4. why are the comments gone?

  5. People are making personal attacks and unsubstantiated claims. Therefore the comments got removed. Please be respectful.


  6. With all due respect,I have a file cabinet full of proof, but I don't have the money to pursue it in court. Funny...respect someone who has no respect for others.
    This will be my last comment.
    To my family and friends I say this - don't bother commenting on this site. GOD will reveal the truth.

  7. I am sorry you feel that way, but I do not allow ad hominem attacks or unsubstantiated comments. Let's leave it to what is in the public record and provable.

  8. Then let me say one last thing. The third comment is insinuating that I am/was a monster, and that I am whining. Shouldn't that comment, in all fairness, be removed also? Like you said, it's non-substantial and as far as I am concerned, it is a personal attack against me. Anything I said,I stand/stood behind. I put my name on what I wrote, as I have nothing to hide, and I do not lie.Now this will be my one last comment, that I assure you, but you should be fair to all, if you are going to block opinions. Like you said, let's leave it to the public record, and provable evidence.I believe justice will be served, and I am glad, not gloating. I just want "Justice", not "Just-us" to be served. Take care, and I will only check to see if you in fact remove the other comment, or not, or if you respond to me. I hold nothing against you, and you should hold nothing against me. Lets end this on a decent note. Good luck, and goodbye.Truly,J.D.

  9. Anybody that would steal money from a dead man and a college bound child is just a selfish animal. She shood be put away from all people forever. Lock her up and throw away the key. For goodness sake, she was a bank Officer!

  10. One thought, what about the victims?
    Not once did ethics nor morality stop her from attacking the elderly, or the people that saved $$ for their children's schooling, retirement, or a nest egg.
    Someone that steals and lies and then steals again after the old man died, shows no remorse at all. Anyone can see she is in desperate need of help and she needs to be punished for what she did. Those people were innocent, not Kathleen!

  11. Is there any time frame when the negotiations will be finished,so the public will know Ms. DiDonatos' verdict?

  12. She is scheduled for court tomorrow. The deal will be presented

  13. I assume she was in court on the 16th and made a plea. Why isn't this published for the people to see. Can you give a time frame on when we will know the results?

  14. She pleaded guilty and is getting 27 months in prison google her correct name. And, she has to give up her caddie and pay back the 175K... Wait until the IRS asks for the tax she owes on the 175K... Too bad she has a kid. That kid HAS to go to his father!

  15. Too bad, she was very nice to me when I got kicked out of my house. She saved my money from my very mad wife...

  16. Check the Sun Chronicle for full story. She plead guilty yesterday. She will be sentenced on Feb. 28
    It looks like she will get the full boot. My heart goes out to her family. It never should have happened.
    May God be with her.

  17. 1st off, I wonder why I am the only person who comments under my/their real identity? anonymous 12/16/11, 1:29 P.M., you sound like a nice person and your right,it should never of happened. But guess what?...It did, because she made it happen.If she didn't do the crime, then she wouldn't be in trouble. In addition, I was, unfortunately, once married to this con-artist and thinking on things now, she said that the catering company, she worked for YEARS AGO, blamed her for stealing out of "the tin" and fired her. Can't say she did for sure, but in MY OPINION ONLY, she did. Also got fired from a bar/Tavern, for "not cleaning the patio properly" I, again, in my OPINION ONLY, wonder if she stole from them too and just lied to me. far as her family goes, well not one of them in all the years I have been divorced from this...person, had ever called me to check and see if I was okay, while she claimed bogus charges against me in court to keep her...our???...son away from me. By the way, and for the record, I was found innocent of all her bogus charges, in the court. This IS a matter of record!I have nothing else to say about her family,except they are hypocrites. Lastly, I agree, may GOD be with her, and may GOD forgive her, but more importantly, may GOD be with her son.I only hope she learned her lesson, and comes out of this reformed, but I can't help doubting that. I rue the day I ever met her, she conned me good. I'm just glad that I have been divorced from her for YEARS NOW, and feel that I am vindicated, in regards to the slander she laid out about me and my family. I can't even know for sure if the child, that I have been paying for all these 16 years, is truly mine. How do you think that feels??? I'm all set now though. Got a good woman now. Y'know? I had a gut feeling WAY BACK WHEN not to marry her, I never really loved her, anyway, but I married her because I didn't want to hurt her feelings. See??? Good intentions...the road to hell is paved with them. Anyway...had to vent, and hope her son can recover from this blow.
