Sunday, November 13, 2011

Maryland Man Setenced For Embezzling $850K From DC Church

Jason Todd Reynolds, 40,  of Bowie, Maryland, has been sentenced to more than eight years in prison  for embezzling more than $850,000 from National City Christian Church of Washington, DC, where he had served as chief financial officer.  According to authorities, wrote checks to himself and abused church credit card and other accounts for his own benefit, including paying for "extravagant vacations, VIP tickets to NBA games, and fancy cars."  He was also accused of fraudulently taking out a $450,000 line of credit in the church's name for his own benefit as well.  Reynolds' various schemes spanned a period of five years, from 2003 to 2008.  He has been convicted on 12 felony counts including wire fraud, bank fraud, falsifying a loan application, aggravated identity theft and tax evasion.   Reynolds was ordered to pay $851,298 in restitution, plus $185,435 in back taxes on the ill-gotten gains.

Read the story here  and here.

Hat tip: FraudTalk reader Joe.

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