Thursday, December 22, 2011

Massachusetts Woman Sentenced For Embezzling $350K To Finance Lifestyle

Margaret Connor, 56, of Marlborough, Massachusetts, has been sentenced to one year in jail for embezzling about $350,000 from a local medical practice where she had been employed as office manager.  According to authorities, Connor wrote more than 150 checks from company accounts for her own benefit and subsequently made false bookkeeping entries in an attempt to conceal the misappropriations.  Connor reportedly used the stolen money to finance her lifestyle including to pay for personal travel, dining, clothing, furniture, jewelry and her mortgage and utility bills, among other things.  Connor has also been ordered to pay $350,000 in restitution and will serve 10 years probation following her jail time.  Connor, who was originally indicted in March 2011, pleaded guilty to charges of larceny over $250 by continuous scheme and false entries in corporate books.

Read the story here and here.

Hat tip: FraudTalk reader Joe.

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