Monday, January 30, 2012

Elderly California Woman Charged With Embezzling More Than $300K From Trauma Counseling Concern

Judy T. Gordon, 79, of San Marcos, California, has been charged with embezzling more than $300,000 from Trauma Intervention Programs National Inc., (TIPS), where she had served as longtime bookkeeper.  According to authorities, over a period of at least 4 years, limited by statute, Gordon siphoned funds from the non-profit made up of volunteers who are called to emergency scenes to help family members in the wake of a sudden trauma, including death.  Gordon's scheme reportedly involved the forgery of checks for her own benefit.  She has been charged with embezzlement, grand theft and 31 counts of forgery.

Read the story here.

Update: Gordon pleaded guilty to one count of grand theft and two counts of forgery in March 2012.

Update (5/22/12): Gordon has been sentenced to one year in jail.

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