Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Pennsylvania Man Under Suspicion For Embezzling As Much As $5 Million From Mining Concern

Larry Dean Winckler, 51, of Indiana, Pennsylvania, has been arrested on suspicion of embezzling at least $1 million and as much as $5 million from Falcon Drilling, where he had been employed as fleet manager.  According to authorities, Winckler directed company controller Cheryl Brooks, to write checks to fake companies or to himself or his benefit.  Brooks is reportedly cooperating with authorities and has not been charged in the case at this time.  The scheme reportedly spanned at least a 2 year period from 2005 through 2007 where he was ultimately siphoning about $150,000 per month.

Read the story hereherehere and here.

1 comment:

  1. Mr Winckler needs to be prosecuted to the extent of the law as well as Mrs. Brooks. If the Feds or the state do not go after Brooks what are they saying to the company and employees every where. To allow Mrs brooks off the hook because she is cooperating with the prosecution to find the missing 5 mill is outrageous. This tells the company that even though Cheryl took the money and had no problem doing so, that they do not feel she took enough to be punished. Should all employees everywhere start stealing from the companies they work for then just cooperate with investigators when they are caught.

    Falcon Drilling needs to make sure there is an example set with BOTH of these thieves, not just Winkler.
