Thursday, March 15, 2012

California Woman Sentenced For Embezzling $392K From Golf Club

Lidia Montano, 53, of Santa Rosa, California, has been sentenced to one year in prison for embezzling $392,735 from the Sonoma Golf Club where she had been employed as business manager.  According to authorities, over a period of 3 years, from July 2007 to August 2010, Montano misappropriated funds by giving herself unauthorized raises and paying personal bills with company accounts.  Her schemes were discovered while she was on vacation in Italy and the club's payroll company called about payroll discrepancies.  Montano pleaded no contest to one count of felony grand theft with a white-collar crime enhancement this past December.  She has reportedly repaid about $190,000.  The misappropriated funds were reportedly used to sustain a lavish lifestyle.

Read the story here.

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