Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Pennsylvania Woman Charged With Embezzling nearly $150K

Dorothy J. Miller, 50, of Haverford, Pennsylvania, has been charged with embezzling nearly $150,000 from Summers Hardwood Floors Inc. where she had been employed as manager of administration.  Miller has been charged with multiple felony counts of theft, forgery, identity theft, and conspiracy.  According to authorities, the investigation of Miller's alleged theft began in December 2008 following the death of John Summers, one of the businesses' owners.  Miller is suspected of forging checks to the tune of $98,000 and opening up a $50,000 business line of credit in the owners' names for her own benefit.  Miller's schemes are believed to have spanned about 3 years, beginning in 2005.

Read the story herehere and here.

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