Thursday, May 3, 2012

Ohio Woman Pleads Guilty & Gets Sentenced For Embezzling Nearly $237 From Local YMCA

Caroline Y. Hawley
Caroline Y. Hawley, 59, of North Canton, Ohio has plead guilty to embezzling nearly $237,000 from the North Canton YMCA where she had been employed in an unspecified capacity.  Subsequent to her plea agreement, Hawley was sentenced to 2 years in prison.  According to prosecutors, over a period of nearly 8 years, from January 2004 through November 2011, Hawley siphoned funds from the non-profit for her own benefit.  Specifically, Hawley plead guilty to one count of aggravated theft.  Hawley was originally charged this past January. 

Authors note: Hawley presumably held a bookkeeping position and probably wrote fraudulent checks for her own benefit.  If anyone knows the specifics in this case, please let us know.

Read the story here and here.

Update (8/30/12): Hawley was sentenced to 2 years in prison.

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