Sunday, August 5, 2012

Former Head Of California Union Indicted For Allegedly Embezzling More Than $100K

Tyrone R. Freeman
Tyrone Ricky Freeman, 42, believed to be of Valley Village, California and the former president of the Service Employees International Union's Local 6434, has been indicted on 15 counts including mail fraud, embezzlement of labor union assets and other crimes in connection with his alleged embezzlement of more than $100,000 in union funds.   Prosecutors allege that Freeman misappropriated $2,500 a month by diverting reimbursement payments from the California United Homecare Workers and transferred additional funds through the Long Term Care Housing Corporation, a not-for-profit entity intended to develop affordable housing for union members. Freeman also used union credit accounts to pay for personal expenses, including his 2006 wedding trip to Hawaii.  Finally, Freeman is charged with filing false tax returns for 2006, 2007 and 2008, failing to report nearly $100,000 in income.  Separately, Freeman's wife, Pilar C. Planells, 32, pleaded guilty to one income tax charge last month, on more than $540,000 she received in union consulting payments at her husband's direction.

Read the story here.

Update (1/29/13): Freeman was found guilty of four counts of mail fraud, seven counts of embezzlement and/or theft of labor union assets, one count of making a false statement to a federally insured financial institution, and two counts of subscribing to a false tax return.

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