Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Nebraska Soccer Club Apparent Victim of $150K Embezzlement

Sarpy County soccer club might be victim of $150,000 embezzlement

by Maggie O'Brien World-Herald News Service | Posted: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 3:50 pm

OMAHA - Bellevue police are investigating whether a youth soccer club was the victim of a $150,000 embezzlement scheme.

The Phoenix Futbol Club discovered financial irregularities after a new treasurer performed an audit, said the club's attorney, Bill Bianco of Omaha.

"With the assistance of our accountants, the IRS and our attorney, we have determined that over $150,000 in club funds were misappropriated," the board wrote in a letter to parents and supporters.

Bianco said police began investigating in January. Sarpy County Attorney Lee Polikov said Tuesday that he would review the case once the investigation is complete.

Polikov did not identify the person at the center of the investigation, but Bianco said it is a former board member.

The club is open to ages 5 to 19. It has 24 teams – and 300 kids – from across the Omaha metro area.

The board wrote in its letter that the investigation would not interfere with the season, either for players or the club: "Our club will continue to grow, improve and exceed your expectations for a quality soccer program."

From the Lexington Clipper Herald

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