Thursday, May 16, 2013

Revised State Rankings For Weakest Sentencing Record On Major Embezzlements For 2012

Based upon the just announced probation sentence of a woman in Massachusetts who stole $110,000 from a town for which she had served as treasurer, we have re-ranked the states in terms of sentencing durations on major embezzlements for 2012 in The Marquet Report on Embezzlement:

State                Months (years)
            MA                    5 (0.4)
            CO                    6 (0.5)
            WI                   18 (1.5)
            LA                   23 (1.9)
            MN                  23 (1.9)
            VA                   24 (2.0)
            OR                  26 (2.2)
            KS                   26 (2.2)
            OH                  28 (2.3)
            CT                  28 (2.3)

That is, Massachusetts and Colorado appear to have very lenient sentencing for white collar crimes.

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