Thursday, August 8, 2013

Former University Employee Charged With Embezzling $367,901 Over 6 Year Period

From the Wall Street Journal on 6/8/13:

A grand jury has indicted a former Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute employee on charges she stole more than $350,000 from the university.

Rensselaer County District Attorney Richard McNally says Christine Dickson faces a felony count of second-degree grand larceny. Authorities say she used an RPI-issued credit card to steal $367,901 between 2003 and 2009.

The 55-year-old Dickson was arrested three years ago but had been in plea negotiations since. The grand jury indicted her Friday.


Dickson is accused of using the card to get $82,000 in cash advances, $15,000 in car rentals, $4,900 for cruise and airline travel and $1,500 in charges to She also funded some trips to casinos.

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