Monday, October 28, 2013

St. Louis Post Dispatch: Wave of embezzlement cases hits St. Louis region

The St. Louis Post Dispatch published an article today entitled, "Wave of embezzlement cases hits St. Louis region," featuring Marquet International, as excerpted from the article:

... But “St. Louis isn’t alone,” said Chris Marquet, head of corporate investigations firm Marquet International in Wellesley, Mass. Cases of white collar fraud appear to be rising across the country, Marquet said.

While no one maintains a comprehensive database of employee fraud cases, an annual study by Marquet International of major embezzlement cases found that 2012 “was a blockbuster year for employee theft in the United States, accelerating over the shocking pace set over the past couple of years.”

Marquet said he expects the pace to increase in 2013.

The 2012 study found 528 major embezzlement cases, defined as thefts totaling more than $100,000. That was an 11 percent increase from 2011...

Some were greedy, Marquet said. Some had gambling addictions. In many cases, the weak economy seemed to act as a driving force behind these crimes, leading employees to stretch across criminal lines to make ends meet or sustain a lifestyle beyond their means.

“Some perpetrators came to believe they were owed this money or they deserved this money,” Marquet said.....

Read the whole article here.

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