Thursday, January 16, 2014

Fraud, Waste & Abuse Within The Chicago Public School System - IG Report Says; Major Embezzlement Revealed

From The Chicago Bureau on 1/14/14:

The 2013 annual report from the Inspector General for Chicago Public Schools , released earlier this month, revealed a number of stunning cases of funds misuse, fraud and faked school enrollment data, as well as a significant embezzlement scheme from a former high school technology coordinator and numerous counts of alleged theft or improper reimbursement perpetrated by CPS employees.


In a separate finding, the report alleged a former high school technology named Roberto Tirado was found to have embezzled nearly $420,000 from CPS in an elaborate, decade-long fraudulent billing system. Between 2001 and 2011, Tirado allegedly created a number of fictitious vendors and caused a total of $419,748 in payments to those vendors, pocketing much of the money.

According to the Chicago Tribune, Tirado, then 36, resigned in 2011 as the investigation drew nearer. He reportedly withdrew $70,000 from his personal account and told his wife he was going to California to visit one of the vendors, but was found dead in a hotel in Tijuana, Mexico in January 2012. Despite the mysterious context, Inspector General Jim Sullivan said there were no signs of foul play.


Read the whole article here.

More on the Tirado embezzlement story here.

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