Thursday, January 23, 2014

New Hampshire Woman Sentenced To 33 Months For Embezzling >$600K

From the Concord Monitor on 1/23/14:

Before sentencing Bonnie Johnson on Tuesday, U.S. District Court Judge Joseph Laplante looked to Mike Satzow, the owner of North Country Smokehouse, the business where Johnson embezzled more than $600,000.
Laplante asked Satzow what he thought of the 33-month prison sentence he was about to order.
“Your honor, I’m comfortable,” Satzow said.
With that, Johnson, 45, of Claremont, was sentenced for one count of wire fraud for stealing from her former employer. She will also be on three years of supervised release after she leaves prison.
When the crime was first discovered last year, Johnson confessed to Satzow when confronted and provided the Claremont police with two recorded statements, according to federal court documents.

She spent the money on luxury cars, jewelry and vacations, according to a lawsuit filed by Satzow.


Read the whole story here.

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