Friday, November 14, 2014

Local Michigan Paper Has A Nice Editorial: "Stop the rampant embezzlement in your community"

From the Grand Haven Tribune on 11/13/14:

Stop the rampant embezzlement in your community

The headlines are disgusting: More than $1.7 million has been siphoned from local companies, allegedly by three long-time employees.
There was the case of Mercy Health System’s IT guy stealing and reselling about $900,000 in electronic equipment, then there is the local accountant being accused of embezzling about $500,000 from Magnum, and now there’s the case involving an office manager for a Grand Haven doctor that could total $300,000 or more in lost funds.

These aren’t the first or only cases in the Tri-Cities area of employee embezzlement. In fact, these situations seem to pop up on a regular basis in nearly every field – from school PTA funds to factories to church collection plates.

What’s even sadder is that most of the employees found stealing from companies are often valued, long-time associates.

Read the whole editorial here.

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